December 5 - 7, 2024|Sarasota
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MoneyMasters Course Details

Fri., Dec. 6, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM EST

Favorite Option Strategies in This Current Market Environment*

Join John Carter, author of Mastering the Trade and founder of Simpler Trading, alongside Jonathan Mckeever, Director of Supply & Demand Trading at Simpler Trading, as they discuss the options setups that have proven to be the most consistent in current market conditions. In addition to discussing setups that often produce larger-than-expected market maker moves, John and Jon will review more conservative, income-type trades, how to benefit from ongoing inflation, and tips for building a watch list. Attendees will also learn the reasons why volatility can be your best friend, why options are the best trading vehicle on the planet right now, why down markets are better than up markets, and how to make successful trades on your phone while you are at work. Finally, both John and Jon will review setups that can be taken the next trading day. 

*$249.00 per person if purchased by November 21
$299.00 per person if purchased after November 21

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John Carter
Mastering the Trade
Jonathan McKeever
Director of Supply and Demand Trading
Simpler Trading